REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 17-2011 issued on April 4, 2011 amends Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 12-2011 relative to the allocation of CY 2011 BIR collection goal by implementing office. The provision under II.B.3 of RMO No. 12-2011 was amended to read as follows: B. Goal Allocation Methodology 3. Goal Allocation by Implementing Offices/Revenue District Office/ Implementing Unit The CY 2011 overall goal by implementing office (LTS and Revenue Regions) was allocated by major tax type based on the five-year average percentage share to total collection subject to limited refinements per BIR Form 1209 reports. The monthly goal by major tax type by implementing office follows the monthly national trend. The deadline for submission of the monthly goal allocation by major tax type and Revenue District Office is within 7 working days after approval of this RMO.