REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 81-2020 issued on August 7, 2020 circularizes the clarification on Annex 4 – Citizen/Client Satisfaction Survey of the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) Memorandum Circular No. 2020-1 relative to the guidelines and requirements in accomplishing the Agency/Citizen Client Satisfaction Survey (CCSS) Report and Agency Best Practice Report in relation to the grant of the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020.
Departments/agencies are encouraged to observe the procedures in conducting the CCSS in the following aspects of the survey:
a. Data Gathering Methodology
b. Respondents Criteria
c. Survey Sampling Coverage
d. Sampling Procedure
e. Survey Instrument/Questionnaire
The CCSS must capture the total citizen/client experience, expectations, and satisfaction in the delivered public service with the following service quality dimensions: responsiveness. reliability (quality), access and facilities, communication, costs, integrity, assurance, and outcome.
The departments/agencies may opt to include questions pertaining to the importance of attributes or agreements to statements. A 5-point Likert scale is
recommended to be used depending on the question/s asked.
f. Data Analysis – The results of the survey shall be analyzed by service, and by applicable service quality dimensions. Departments/agencies shall also report the overall agency rating in the service quality dimensions and the overall agency citizen/client satisfaction score.
Other segments that may be included in the analysis are the following: By type of citizen/client served (General Public, Government Employees and Businesses/Organizations); By area (depending on the area coverage whether Total Luzon, Total Visayas or Total Mindanao); By region/field office and Respondent profile (Gender and Age/Age Group).
Service improvement shall also be drawn from the results of the survey and an appropriate action plan should be identified. Furthermore, the results of the 2020 survey should be compared to the CCSS results of 2019 for continuity, as appropriate.
Departments/agencies must submit the CCSS Report following the outline below.
a. Description of the methodology of the CCSS used for each reported service
i. Respondents Criteria
ii. Survey Sampling Coverage
iii. Sampling Procedure
iv. Survey Instrument/Questionnaire
b. Results of the CCSS for FY 2020 (include a sample of the feedback/survey form used)
c. Results of Agency Action Plan reported in FY 2019 PBB
d. Continuous Agency Improvement Plan for FY 2021
For FY 2020 PBB, departments/agencies are also required to submit one (1) best practice in service quality or productivity conducted in FY 2020 which represents any of the following thematic areas:
Citizen-centric services
Smart regulation
Performance excellence
Other innovations
Departments/agencies must submit the Agency Best Practice report following the outline below.
a. Brief description of the agency best practice
b. Implementation of the agency best practice
c. Results of the agency best practice implementation