REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 8-2011 issued on February 25, 2011 prescribes
the guidelines and procedures on addressing the increasing demand for desktop computers.
Connection of personally-owned Information Communication Technology equipment
shall be limited to desktop computers. No personally-owned laptops, printers and the like shall
be connected to the BIR network.
Requests for connection to the BIR network of personally-owned desktop computers
shall be limited to those emanating from Revenue District Offices (RDOs), including RDO Nos.
116, 121, 124,125 and 126 (Large Taxpayers Service); Large Taxpayers District Office (LTDO)
No. 122 (Makati) and LTDO No. 123 (Cebu). Said request shall be formalized through the
accomplishment of the Connection/Disconnection of Personally-Owned Desktop Computer
Request Form, which shall be evaluated/validated and implemented by the concerned Revenue
Data Center. Revenue personnel who accomplishes said request form unconditionally agrees to
subject his/her personally-owned desktop computer to diagnostics and reformatting.
A revenue personnel (with personally-owned desktop computers connected to the BIR
network) who is re-assigned/transferred to another place of assignment shall request
disconnection (from BIR network) prior to reporting to his/her new place of assignment. Failure
of revenue personnel to have his/her personally-owned desktop computer disconnected prior to
transfer shall be grounds for disapproval of his/her request for connection in his/her new place of
All personally-owned desktop computers connected to the BIR Network shall be issued a
control number and shall be subject to regular monitoring through the Asset Management tool.
The control number shall be cancelled upon request of concerned revenue personnel for
disconnection (either as a result of his/her decision to permanently pull out his/her personallyowned desktop computer or upon re-assignment or transfer to another office). A new control
number shall be issued for the personally-owned desktop computer upon approval of personnel’s
application for network connection in his/her new place of assignment.