8box Solutions Inc.


Contact Number: 09369340340
Email: sales@8box.solutions

REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 54-2022 issued on December 14, 2022 clarifies the evaluation of Social Media Accounts Performance of the Revenue Regions (RRs) and Revenue District Offices (RDOs) prescribed under Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 7-2022. The RRs and RDOs are required to prepare a Report on Social Media Accounts Performance for submission not later than the tenth (10th) day after each semester to the Public Information and Education Division (PIED) via email at pied@bir.gov.ph by using the reporting templates prescribed in the Order. The PIED shall consolidate and evaluate the semestral Report on Social Media Accounts Performance submitted by the RRs and RDOs based on the Percentage Increase/Decrease that will be reported in Annex A of RMO No. 7- 2022 relative to the following metrics:  No. of Page Reach (for Facebook)  No. of Views (for YouTube)  No. of Followers (for Twitter) In relation to the implementation of the Taxpayer Awareness Program prescribed under RMO No. 24-2020, as amended by RMO No. 27-2022, the following Points shall be given to the RDOs based on their “Social Media Accounts Performance” ranking to be determined by PIED: RDO’s Rank in “Social Media Accounts Performance” Points First 15 RDOs in the Nationwide Ranking 60 Next 15 RDOs in the Nationwide Ranking 50 Next 15 RDOs in the Nationwide Ranking 40 Next 15 RDOs in the Nationwide Ranking 30 Next 15 RDOs in the Nationwide Ranking 20 Remaining RDOs in the Nationwide Ranking* 10 *No Points shall be given to RDOs without any official social media account communicated to PIED.