8box Solutions Inc.


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REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 27-2022 issued on May 19, 2022 amends the reporting and evaluation of accomplishments of Revenue District Offices (RDOs) under the Taxpayer Awareness Program (TAP). The “Posting of Tax Information Materials in Social Media” (Facebook, YouTube, etc.) shall no longer be reported under the TAP, starting with the RDOs’ 1st Semester 2022 accomplishment report, since it shall be evaluated separately under Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 7-2022. The RDOs shall continue the preparation of their own tax information materials (i.e., instructional videos, AVPs, social media cards, etc.), for approval by their respective Sub-Social Media Team Head prior to posting in their official social media accounts. The tax information materials prepared and posted by the RDOs in their official social media accounts shall also not be reported under the TAP since posting of the same in the social media shall directly affect/impact the RDOs’ “Social Media Accounts Performance” (no. of page reach, no. of views and no. of followers) to be monitored/evaluated by the Public Information and Education Division (per RMO No. 7-2022). To capture the contribution to the TAP of “Posting of Tax Information Materials in Social Media”, Points shall be given to the RDOs based on their “Social Media Accounts Performance” ranking as follows: RDO’s Rank in “Social Media Accounts Performance”* Points** First 15 RDOs in the Nationwide Ranking 60 Next 20 RDOs in the Nationwide Ranking 50 Next 30 RDOs in the Nationwide Ranking 40 Next 35 RDOs in the Nationwide Ranking 30 Remaining RDOs in the Nationwide Ranking 20 *To be based on the report to be prepared by the Public Information and Education Division. **To be added by the Internal Communications Division to the RDO’s Total Points for the semester. The guidelines in the giving of Points to the other tax information dissemination activities of the RDOs shall remain the same, with some clarifications indicated in the Order that shall be strictly observed. With the issuance of RMO No. 25-2022, the TAP KPI Weight has been increased from 1.00 to 3.00 in consideration of the efforts being exerted by the RDOs in implementing the TAP. Similarly, the Target for the TAP KPI has been increased also from “at least 10 Points” to “at least 15 Points per month”. For purposes of determining the Score and OPCR Rating of each RDO for the TAP, the following matrix shall be used as guide: Average Points* in TAP Score (KPI Weight = 3.00) OPCR Rating 30.00 & above 3.00 5 21.00 – 29.99 2.50 4 15.00 – 20.99 2.00 3 10.00 – 14.99 1.50 2 9.99 & below 1.00 1 * Per computation on a semestral basis and annual basis. To facilitate the preparation and review of TAP Accomplishment Reports, the report formats/templates (attached as Annexes A and B1 in Excel file) prescribed in the Order shall strictly be used by the RDOs in the preparation of their TAP reports. The other report formats/templates, specifically Annexes B2, C1 and C2 prescribed under RMO No. 20-2021, still remain the same as well as the deadlines for submission of the TAP reports. The Summary of Reports to be prepared for the TAP is reiterated below. Report Submitted By Submitted To Due Date Report on Number of Information Materials Distributed, if applicable (Annex A) Revenue District Officers Regional Director On or before July 10 / January 10 (part of Accomplishment Report – Annex B1) TAP Accomplishment Report (Annex B1), including documentations Revenue District Officers Regional Director On or before July 10 / January 10 Consolidated TAP Accomplishment Report (Annex B2), including Annex B1 of RDOs – Prepared by CSU Head Regional Director ACIR, Client Support Service (thru Chief, Internal Communications Division) On or before July 20 / January 20 Evaluation Report on TAP (Annex C1 and Annex C2) – Prepared by Internal Communications Division ACIR, Client Support Service ACIR, Planning & Management Service Semestral Report: On or before August 25 Annual Report: On or before February 25 of the following year The semestral and annual Accomplishment Reports/Consolidated Accomplishment Reports on the TAP specified in RMO No. 18-2021, as superseded by RMO No. 25-2022, are no longer required to be prepared/submitted by the RDOs and the Regional Directors.