REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 26-2013 issued on October 1, 2013 establishes
the BIR Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS), which aims to strengthen the
culture of performance and accountability in the BIR.
BIR SPMS shall follow the four-stage Performance Management System (PMS) cycle,
namely: performance planning and commitment; performance monitoring and coaching;
performance review and evaluation; and performance rewarding and development planning.
The system puts premium on major final outputs that contributes to the realization of
organizational mandate, mission/vision, strategic priorities, outputs and outcomes.
Accountabilities and individual roles in the achievement of organizational goals are clearly
defined to give way to collective goal setting and performance rating. The individual’s work plan
or commitment and rating form is linked to the division/unit/office work plan or commitment
and rating form to establish clear linkage between organizational performance.
The BIR SPMS shall establish the formation and operation of the BIR Performance
Management Team (BIR PMT) in the National and Regional Offices. The team shall validate the
outstanding performance ratings and may recommend concerned employees for performancebased awards. Grant of performance-based incentives shall be based on the final ratings of
employees as approved by the Head of Office.
Performance ratings shall be used as basis for promotion, training and scholarship grants
and other personnel actions. Employees with Outstanding and Very Satisfactory performance
ratings shall be considered for the said personnel actions and other related matters.
Officials and employees who shall be on official travel, approved leave of absence or
training or scholarship programs and who have already met the required minimum rating period
of 90 days shall submit their performance commitment and rating report before they leave the
office. For purposes of performance-based incentives, said employees shall use their
performance ratings obtained in the immediately preceding rating period.
Employees who are on detail or secondment to another office/project on a full time basis
shall be rated in their present or actual office by their project supervisors, copy furnished their
mother office. Project supervisors, on the other hand, shall be rated by the Deputy
Commissioner/Assistant Commissioner who directly oversee the implementation of the project.
Employees who will retire but met the required minimum rating period shall submit their
accomplished performance ratings within the prescribed period to be entitled to payment of
performance-based incentives.
Security of tenure of those holding permanent appointments is not absolute but based on
performance. If after advice and provision of developmental intervention, an employee still
obtains Unsatisfactory rating in the immediately succeeding rating period, he/she may be
dropped from the rolls by the Head of Office thru a written notice/advice at least 3 months before
the end of the rating period.
Officials and employees with below Satisfactory rating either on the 1st semester or 2nd
semester or both shall not be entitled to receive performance-based incentives. No performancebased incentives shall be given to employees who failed to submit their final performance
The concerned officials/offices who are key players in the establishment and
implementation of the BIR SPMS are specified in the Order, together with their corresponding
responsibilities. The guidelines in the four-stage PMS cycle are also specified in the Order, the
highlights of which are the following:
a. Performance Planning and Commitment – during this stage, success indicators are
determined. Success indicators are performance level yardstick consisting of
performance measure and performance targets. Performance measures need not be
many. Only those that contribute or support the outcomes that the Agency aims to
achieve shall be included in the office performance contract, i.e., measures that are
relevant to Agency’s core functions and strategic priorities. Performance measures
shall include any one, combination of, or all of the following general categories,
whichever is applicable: effectiveness/quality; efficiency and timeliness.
b. Performance Monitoring and Coaching – supervisors and coaches play a critical role
at this stage. Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms should be in place to ensure that
timely and appropriate steps can be taken to keep a program on track and that its
objectives or goals are met in the most effective manner.
c. Performance Review and Evaluation – the average of all individual performance
assessment shall not go higher than the collective performance assessment of the
Office. Any issue/appeal/protest on the Office assessment shall be articulated by the
concerned Head of Office and decided by the Commissioner during the agency
performance review conference. Hence, the final rating shall no longer be
appealable/contestable after the conference.
The immediate supervisor shall assess individual employee performance
based on the commitments made at the beginning of the rating period. The
performance rating shall be based solely on records of accomplishment; hence, there
is no need for self-rating.
The BIR SPMS puts premium on major final outputs towards realization of
organizational mission/vision. Hence, rating for planned and/or intervening tasks
shall always be supported by reports, documents or any outputs as proof of actual
performance. In the absence of said bases of proofs, a particular task shall not be
rated and shall be disregarded.
The Head of Office/Division Chief/RDO shall determine the final assessment
of performance level of the individual employees in his/her Office based on proof of
d. Performance Rewarding and Development Planning – part of the individual
employee’s evaluation is the competency assessment vis-à-vis the competency
requirements of the job. The result of the assessment shall be discussed by the Head
of Office/Division Chief/RDO and supervisors with the individual employee at the
end of each rating period. The result of the competency assessment shall be treated
independently of the performance rating of the employee.
Employees who feel aggrieved or dissatisfied with their final performance ratings can file
an appeal with the BIR PMT within 10 days from the date of receipt of notice on their final
performance evaluation rating from the Head of Office. An office/unit or individual employee,
however, shall not be allowed to protest the performance ratings of other office/unit or
employees. Ratings obtained by other office/unit or employees can only be used as basis or
reference for comparison in appealing one’s office or individual performance rating. The PMT
shall decide on the appeals within one month from receipt. The decision of the National Office
PMT may be appealed to the Commissioner.
Officials or employees who are separated from the service on the basis of Unsatisfactory
or Poor performance rating can appeal their separation to the Civil Service Commission or its
Regional Office within 15 days from receipt of the order or notice of separation.