REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 66-2021 issued on May 24, 2021 announces the availability of the revised BIR Form Nos. 1702Q January 2018 (ENCS) in the Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS) and 1702Qv2008C in the Electronic Bureau of Internal Revenue Forms (eBlRForms).
BIR Form No. 1702Q January 2018 (ENCS) is available in eFPS and the reduced rates pursuant to Republic Act No. 11534 (CREATE Act) are already included/updated. Taxpayer shall select the Alphanumeric Tax Code with the corresponding tax rate to be used. Non-individual eFPS users shall file and pay their quarterly Income Tax Return [BIR Form No. 1702Q January 2018 (ENCS)] using the eFPS Facility.
BIR Form No 1702Qv2008C January 2018 version is not yet available in the Offline
eBIRForms Package. Instead, the 2008 version has been modified as follows: