REVENUE DELEGATION AUTHORITY ORDER NO. 2-2018 issued on February 15,
2018 delegates to Head Revenue Executive Assistant, Atty. Larry M. Barcelo, the
authority to approve and/or sign the following documents by virtue of the assignment of
Atty. Marissa O. Cabreros as OIC-Deputy Commissioner, Legal Group:
i. Certificate of Registration as Donee Institution indorsed from the
Philippine Council for NGO Certification
ii. VAT Exemption Certificates for embassies; qualified diplomats, officials and
dependents; and US Embassy (in ID format)
iii. Certificate of Tax Exemption for Asian Development Bank and Other
International Organization
iv. Certificate of Residency (for Tax Treaty Purposes) – Local and International
v. Exchange of information letters to any office within the BIR (for Tax Treaty
vi. Certification on Tax Treatment on the Development Assistance of the
USAID in the Philippines
vii. Rulings on embassy and international organization’s purchase of motor
vehicles with established Commissioner signed precedent
viii.Letter acknowledging the receipt of the sworn certification stating that there is
no change in the domestic laws of the Home Country of International Carriers
granting Income Tax exemption to Philippine carriers, in compliance with
Section 7 of Revenue Regulations No. 15-2013.