REVENUE REGULATIONS NO. 3-2017 issued on February 24, 2017 implements the tax
provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 10693, otherwise known as “Microfinance NGOs Act”.
The Act aims to encourage non-government microfinance institutions to work with the
government to pursue community development and improvement in the socio-economic welfare
of the poor and other basic and marginalized sectors through financially inclusive and pro-poor
financial and credit policies and mechanisms, such as microfinance and its allied services.
Microfinance Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) must secure a Certificate of
Accreditation from the Microfinance NGO Regulatory Council (Council) as a condition for the
availment of the incentives of RA No. 10693.
As required under the said Act, a Microfinance NGO must be a non-stock, non-profit
corporation with a capital contribution of at least One Million Pesos (P 1,000,000.00) and must
conform to the following requirements:
a. The word “Microfinance” shall be included in the corporate and trade name of the
Microfinance NGO; and
b. Its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws shall specifically state that:
i. It is “non-stock and non-profit”;
ii. It has the primary purpose of implementing a microenterprise development
strategy and providing microfinance programs, products, and services for the
iii. It shall specifically provide that upon dissolution, the net assets shall be
distributed to another NGO organized for similar purposes, or the State for public
purpose/s or as may be determined by a competent court of justice;
iv. No part of the property or income shall inure to the benefit of any member,
officer, organizer or any individual person;
v. The trustees shall not receive any compensation or remuneration, except
reasonable per diem;
vi. The level of administrative expenses shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the
total expenses for the taxable year; and
vii. Other requirements which the Council may deem necessary.
Only Microfinance NGOs with duly issued Certificates of Accreditation from the Council
shall be eligible to avail of the two percent (2%) Gross Receipts Tax on income from
microfinance operations.
Microfinance NGOs which have been certified by the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) to have no derogatory information and are deemed accredited as
Microfinance NGOs for a period of one (1) year from the effectivity of RA No. 10693, unless
sooner revoked, shall be entitled to avail of the 2% Gross Receipts Tax on its income from
microfinance operations.
A duly registered and accredited Microfinance NGO shall pay a 2% tax based on its gross
receipts from microfinance operations in lieu of all national taxes. Provided, that preferential tax
treatment shall be accorded only to NGOs whose primary purpose is microfinance and only on
their microfinance operations catering to the poor and low-income individuals. Provided, further,
that the Certificate of Accreditation issued by the Council or the Certificate of No Derogatory
Information issued by the SEC, as the case may be, shall be an essential requirement for granting
the 2% preferential tax treatment of Microfinance NGOs. The preferential rate of 2% tax based
on gross receipts from microfinance operations should only refer to lending activities and
insurance commission which are bundled and forming integral part of the qualified lending
activities of the Microfinance NGOs.
All other income by the Microfinance NGOs which are not generated from the lending
activities and insurance commissions shall be subject to all applicable taxes, which shall include
but not limited to the following:
a. Interest income derived from loans other than those extended to qualified borrowers
under RA No. 10693;
b. Commission fees and other charges on the provision of electronic payment system
such as mobile or any innovative digital platforms or channels;
c. Commission fees and other charges on the provision of money transfer and other
related remittance services;
d. Interest income from any currency bank deposit, yield or any other monetary benefit
from deposit substitutes and from trust funds and similar arrangements including a
depository bank under the expanded foreign currency deposit system;
e. Royalties;
f. Prizes and other winnings;
g. Cash and/or property dividends;
h. Capital gains from the sale or dispositions of real property;
i. Capital gains tax on the sale, barter, exchange or other disposition of shares of stock
in a domestic corporation;
j. Stock transaction tax on the sale, barter, or exchange of shares of stock listed and
traded through the local stock exchange;
k. All other forms of income not related to microfinance operations (lending activities
and insurance commission) catering to the poor and low-income individuals.
The availment of the benefits under RA No. 10693 by Microfinance NGOs for their
microfinance operations shall be evaluated in conjunction with their other lines of business in
order to determine the appropriate tax treatment of revenues derived from those other activities.
The Microfinance NGOs shall be constituted as a withholding agent for the government
if they act as employer and any of their employees received compensation income subject to
compensation withholding tax, or if they make payments to individuals or corporations subject to
the Withholding Taxes at source as required.
The Microfinance NGOs’ books of accounts and other pertinent records shall be subject
to periodic examination by revenue enforcement officers of the BIR.
Duly registered and accredited Microfinance NGOs must update their registration with
their concerned Revenue District Offices to reflect their accreditation as Microfinance NGOs.
Moreover, their clients shall likewise be required to have a Taxpayer Identification Number