8box Solutions Inc.


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Email: sales@8box.solutions

REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 57-2022 issued on December 16, 2022 amends further Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) Nos. 9-95 and 17-2012, as amended, on the submission and report format of the BIR Form No. 1209 (Consolidated Monthly Statistical Report of Revenue Collections). Item No. II.A.3 of RMO No. 17-2012, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: “A. The Revenue District Office (RDO) shall: xxx xxx xxx 3. Submit the revised consolidated report format of BIR Form No. 1209 (Annex A) in electronic copy to the Collection Division Chief of the Regional Office and the Chief, Research and Statistics Division (RSD) not later than the 12th day from end of each month. This report must tally with the report forwarded to the Revenue Accounting Division. To ensure veracity and accountability, the BIR Form 1209 report must be sent from the official email account of the Revenue District Officer. xxx xxx xxx” For purposes of uniformity, all Regional Offices and Large Taxpayers Service are enjoined to direct their respective Revenue District Offices to utilize the attached provisional format (Annex A) starting with the January 2022 reports and onwards. Additional provisions for RMO No. 9-95, as amended by RMO No. 17- 2012, are supplemented and read as follows: “II. C. Revenue Accounting Division shall: 6. Provide RSD the monthly revenue collection per BTr report on or before the 13th day of the month. II. E. Revenue Data Centers shall: 1. Generate monthly collection report from end of each month and submit the said data to the RDOs not later than the 8th of the following month”.