REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 54-2018 issued on December 10, 2018
prescribes the procedures on how to use the Cannot Be Located Taxpayer (CBL) System
by the following Divisions under the approved Security Access Matrix:
A. Audit Information Tax Exemption and Incentives Division (AITEID);
B. Accounts Receivable Monitoring Division (ARMD);
C. Collections Programs Monitoring Division (CPMD); and
D. Taxpayers Service Programs Monitoring Division (TSPMD).
The concerned divisions shall prepare a list of CBL taxpayers in soft copy (CD
format) using the Uploading Report format prescribed in the Operations Manual by the
Systems Development Division (SDD).
The Uploading Facility shall only be available to AITEID; hence, ARMD and CPMD
shall forward the list that conformed with the prescribed format. Viewing of record details
and update facility are available to all the aforementioned divisions.
The Status Update – Remarks Column is available with transaction history for
resurfaced taxpayer/changed of address, etc.
The SDD Operations Manual Version 1.00 is provided for the step-by-step
procedures in uploading, updating and viewing of CBL taxpayer.