8box Solutions Inc.


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Email: sales@8box.solutions

REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 53-2022 issued on December 7, 2022 amends Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 16-2022 and RMO No. 30-2022 by prescribing the revised allocation of the CY 2022 BIR Collection Goal by Implementing Office. The BIR’s CY 2022 revised revenue target of ₱ 2,392,587 Million is composed of the goal from BIR Operations of ₱ 2,325,910 Million and ₱ 66,677 Million from NonBIR Operations. It is lower by 1.87% or ₱ 45,715 Million from the original goal of ₱ 2,438,302 Million. The January to June 2022 monthly goals by implementing office, by major tax per RMO Nos. 16-2022 and 30-2022 were retained. The decrease of ₱ 60,266 Million or 3.00% in the collection goal from BIR Operations, net of special taxes, per RMO No. 16-2022, as amended, was applied pro-rata to the corresponding monthly collection goals of all implementing offices for the 2nd semester of CY 2022. For purposes of performance in relation to the Attrition Act of 2005 (RA No. 9335), the revenue target of the BIR as published in the Budget of Expenditures and Sources of Financing for FY 2022 shall prevail.