REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 5-2023 issued on January 30, 2023 prescribes the guidelines and procedures on the implementation of the revised Customer Satisfaction Survey for Frontline Services under Client Support Service (CSS) as one of the BIR’s Feedback Mechanism.
The Revenue District Offices (RDOs) shall use the revised Customer Satisfaction Survey Form (Annex A), which is available both in manual and online (Microsoft Forms) versions.
BIR frontliners/officers shall encourage taxpayers to answer the online survey form either by directing them to use the eLounge or by asking them to scan the Quick Response (QR) code using their smart phones found in the counter. Manual survey forms shall still be provided in cases where taxpayer opted to use such.
The following offices shall be responsible for the retrieval of manual survey forms on or before the 5th day of the following month and processing of the same:
Revenue District Offices | Concerned Regional Office thru the Client Support Unit (CSU) Head |
LT Division No. 123- Cebu City | RR No. 13- Cebu City thru the CSU Head |
LT Division No. 127 – Davao City | RR No. 19 – Davao City thru the CSU Head |
LT Assistance Division (LTAD) and Excise LT Regulatory Division (ELTRD) | LT Performance Monitoring and Programs Division (LTPMPD) |
The results of the manual survey shall be consolidated by the identified offices above with the results of the online survey to be provided by Taxpayer Service Programs and Monitoring Division (TSPMD).
The following reports shall be prepared by the concerned offices for submission to TSPMD:
Report | Responsible Office | Deadline |
Matrix of Actions Taken/To Be Taken (Annex B) | RDOs/LT Divisions/LTAD/ ELTRD | On or before the 5th day following the month of retrieval |
Working Paper on the Results of the Customer Satisfaction Survey (Annex C) | Concerned Regional Office thru the CSU Head/LTPMPD | On or before the 20th day of the Summary Report on the Results of month |
Summary Report on the Results of month Customer Satisfaction Survey (Annex D) | ||
Summary of Feedback (Annex E) |
The RDOs shall keep the survey forms and the corresponding reports, for validation purposes. The CSS, through the TSPMD, may conduct unannounced validation of survey results in Regional/District Offices to ensure that the provisions stated in this Order are being strictly followed.