REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 5-2020 issued on February 5, 2020 prescribes
the CY 2020 BIR Operational Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the Revenue Regions
(RRs), Revenue District Offices (RDOs), and Large Taxpayers Service (LTS).
The concerned Assistant Commissioners (ACIRs), as Measures Owners (MOs), shall
monitor, review and evaluate their respective Operational KPIs against their goals/targets to
assess the performance of the concerned offices.
The LTS shall include the following offices as “Implementing Office” for a particular
Weight KPI Implementing Office (s)
1 50 Collection Performance LT National Office Audit Div.
(LTNOADs), Large Taxpayers
Divisions (LTDs) Cebu and Davao,
Excise LT Field
Operations Division (ELTFOD)
2 10 Percentage increase in
LTNOADs, LTDs Cebu and Davao,
10 3 Audit Effort LTNOADs, LTDs Cebu and Davao, LT
VAT Audit Unit (LTVATAU)
11 3 Increase in collection by
5% of previous year’s audit
previous audit collection
12 3 Audit Efficiency LTNOADs, LTDs Cebu and Davao,
13 3 Reduction of Tax Arrears LTDs Cebu and Davao, LT Collection
Enforcement Div. (LTCED)
14 3 Reduction of TAMP StopFiler cases
LTDs Cebu and Davao, LTCED
16 1.50 Expedite promotion of
qualified employees
Large Taxpayers Service
The formula in the computation of the Score for each KPI and Overall Rating are
specified in the Order. In the event that the actual accomplishment exceeds the KPI target,
the score to be given shall be the maximum assigned KPI weight.
The Operational KPIs shall be included as measures in the Office Performance
Commitment and Review (OPCR) Form, as well as in the Office Index of Success
Indicators of the RRs, Regional Divisions (RDs), RDOs, LTS, LTNOADs, LTDs Cebu and
Davao, ELTFOD, LTVATAU, LTCED, LT Document Processing and Quality Assurance
Division (LTDPQAD), Excise LT Regulatory Division (ELTRD) and LT Assistance Division
(LTAD) in relation to the Strategic Performance Management System.
The Accomplishment Report and Evaluation Report shall be prepared every 1st
Semester (January to June) and annually based on the cumulative accomplishment from
January to December.
The elements of each Operational KPI (i.e. definition of the KPI, KPI Target, Formula
and KPI weights) are provided in Annex A of the Order.