8box Solutions Inc.


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REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 5-2017 issued on February 17, 2017 prescribes the functional guidelines relative to the implementation of the Taxpayer Registration System (TRS) under the Electronic Tax Information Systems-1 (eTIS-1). The TRS eTIS-1 enables authorized users to: a. Register Taxpayer – Issue Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for individual; register individual and non-individual taxpayers; register a new branch up to 99999; and register a facility that does not have business activities with assigned “F” prefix code b. Manage Taxpayer – Update/modify the registration information; find/inquire/ search for a taxpayer; suspend one or more tax types or form types; re-activate a suspended tax type or form type; de-register tax types and form types or deregister the taxpayer; re-register de-registered tax and form types; transfer a taxpayer to another Revenue District Office (RDO) or Large Taxpayer District Office; modify accounting details for non-individual taxpayer; and tag/untag inactive/blacklisted taxpayers c. On-line Approval – Show all transactions pending approval, rejection, release or re-assign task. Approval of the following transactions can be made in the system: 1. Suspension; 2. Re-activation; 3. De-registration or re-registration of tax types and form types of a taxpayer; 4. De-registration of taxpayer; and 5. Transfer of taxpayer d. Correspondence and Reports Generation – Generate Authority to Print; Certificate of Registration (COR); Certificate of Registration for Facility; Tax Clearance; and reports specified in the Order The TRS under eTIS-1 is currently being implemented in the following pilot sites: offices under Large Taxpayers Service (i.e. Large Taxpayer Assistance Division, Excise Large Taxpayer Regulatory Division, Large Taxpayer Division (LTD)-Makati, LTD-Cebu) and RDOs under Revenue Region No. 8 – Makati. Enhanced Registration Forms prescribed under Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 9-2015 shall be used in the eTIS-1 pilot sites. Previously issued CORs, TIN Cards and other correspondences with no updates in the registration information shall remain valid. The guidelines and procedures in performing the TRS eTIS-1 functionalities are specified in the Order.