REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 4-2012 issued on March 28, 2012 amends
Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 1-2012 relative to the allocation of CY 2012 BIR
collection goal by implementing office.
The data and methodology used in the revision of the goal allocation to the implementing
offices are specified in the Order.
Due to internal transfers of some large taxpayers effective January 1, 2012, and lack of
CY 2011 BIR Form 1209 Report of Large Taxpayers Divisions in the National Office, the Large
Taxpayers Service shall allocate its goal to the corresponding implementing units and prepare the
corresponding issuance, which shall be submitted to the Policy and Planning Service for
The assigned goal of the implementing units/Revenue District Offices shall further be
allocated to its concerned personnel. The manner or methodology of the goal allocation to
individuals shall be based on a separate issuance.