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8box Solutions Inc.


Contact Number: 09369340340

REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 35-2023 issued on November 13, 2023 provides the updated guidelines and procedures in the monthly payment of individual consumer mobile phone subscription plan pursuant to the approved Rationalization of Communication Expense allocated for BIR Officials in the National and Regional Offices.
              Effective October 1, 2023, all concerned BIR officials without existing mobile phone subscription plan may apply at any telephone company business center in an amount/plan corresponding to their designation, as follows:

Position Amount
National Office
Commissioner 10,000.00
Deputy Commissioner 5,000.00
Assistant Commissioner 3,500.00
Chief of Staff – Commissioners Office 3,500.00
Secretary – Commissioner's Office 3,500.00
Executive Assistant – Commissioner's Office (1) 2,500.00
Chief of Staff, Office of the Deputy Commissioner 2,500.00
Head Revenue Executive Assistant (HREA) 2,500.00
Head – National Office Data Center (NODC) 2,000.00
Head – Revenue Data Center – Luzon 2 2,000.00
Division Chief (LTS & LTD) 1,800.00
Technical Staff – Commissioner's Office (2) 1,800.00
Technical Staff – Office of the Deputy Commissioner (1 per office) 1,800.00
Division Chief 1,800.00
Division Chief (NODC & RDC-Luzon 2) 1,800.00
Assistant Division Chief (LTS & LTD) 1,200.00
Assistant Division Chief (Non-LT) 1,200.00
Assistant Division Chief (NODC & RDC-Luzon 2) 1,200.00
Revenue Driver, Commissioner's Office (2) 500.00
Staff, Revenue Accounting Division (2) 500.00
Regional Office
Regional Director 2,500.00
Head – Revenue Data Center (Luzon 1, Vis & Min) 2,000.00
Assistant Regional Director 2,000.00
Revenue District Officer 1,800.00
Division Chief 1,800.00
Division Chief (RDC-Luzon 1, Vis & Min) 1,800.00
Assistant Revenue District Officer 1,200.00
Assistant Division Chief 1,200.00
Assistant Division Chief (RDC-Luzon 1, Vis & Min) 1,200.00

              The concerned BIR Official shall report/update their mobile phone numbers to their respective Chiefs of Administrative and Human Resource Management Division (AHRMD) for the Regional Offices and the Chief, General Services Division (GSD) for National Office, not later than November 15, 2023, for proper monitoring and recording purposes. The Chief, AHRMD shall submit the complete listing of official mobile phone users in their respective Regional Offices, together with their mobile phone numbers to the Chief, GSD, not later than November 20, 2023.
          The concerned official shall personally pay his/her monthly mobile phone bill for reimbursement and shall submit a certification (Annex A) that the amount allocated has been incurred for official purposes, on or before the 5th day of the following month to the Chief, GSD/AHRMD.
                  A Monthly Communication Expense Payroll, Disbursement Voucher and Obligation Request Status supported by the said Certification issued by the mobile phone users, shall be prepared by the GSD/AHRMD, the amount of which shall be in accordance with the monthly allocation as shown in the table above, to be credited to the individual Land Bank ATM payroll account. Only the officials who submitted the certification required will be included in the payroll. Late submission will be included in the succeeding month communication expense payroll.