REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 35-2013 issued on December 27, 2013
establishes the BIR Strategic Training and Development Process (STDP).
Training and development includes, but not limited to, short courses, workshops,
education trips, on-the-job training, benchmarking, coaching, counselling, mentoring, echoing
sessions, symposia and other career/work related training exercises and other special and/or
interest group such as special Projects or Foreign Funded Projects.
Training Need Assessments shall be regularly carried out. These are based on gap
analysis thru organizational and job analysis as well as surveys of staff competence, strength,
daily work and identification of staff skill requirements.
Training Needs Analysis shall be conducted to provide link between the Bureau’s
Vision/Mission and its training activities, and set the annual training directions by determining
the validity, scope and extent of both organizational and employees’ capability building needs. It
shall likewise determine non-training needs that impact on performance improvement in the
Design and development shall involve identifying specific training and development
initiatives that BIR will use, along with other strategies, to improve individual and agency
A long-term training strategy for BIR employees shall be developed and implemented
including systematic on-the-job and off-the-job training courses in house and/or externally
The Training Management Division (TMD) and Training Delivery Division shall ensure
that after delivery of any learning intervention, the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired are
effectively transferred back in the workplace. Evaluation shall involve assessing the extent to
which training and development efforts contribute to improved performance and results.
Evaluation mechanism shall determine the achievement of the following results: a) that the
trainee learned the essential competency for which training was developed; and b) that the
organization received a return on the investment through improved employee performance and
team work.
The TMD shall periodically assess staff motivation, perceptions and workplace
satisfaction and make use of them for job analysis purposes. TMD shall also conduct surveys to
evaluate the perception of taxpayers and other stakeholders regarding the level of
professionalism of BIR employees.
The following are the components of the BIR STDP:
a. Characteristics
Strategic alignment
Leadership commitment and communication
Stakeholder involvement
Accountability and recognition
Effective resource allocation
Partnerships and learning from others
Data quality assurance
Continuous performance improvement
b. Strategies
Provide Introductory Training
Provide Hands-on Experience
Provide Coaching and Mentoring Programmes
Provide Advanced Training
Provide Specialized Training and/or Scholarship Program
Monitoring and Evaluation
c. Framework
d. Process