REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 19-2013 issued on July 5, 2013 amends certain
provisions of Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 45-2011, prescribing the guidelines and
procedures in the conduct of pre-repair inspection and inspection and acceptance of deliveries of
goods and services in the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
Pertinent portions of Section III (A) of RMO 45-2011, including Annex B, are hereby
amended to read as follows:
“III. Organization:
A. National Office Committee
Inspection Committee
Chairman: Leonor S. Villalon-Rogers-ACIR, Planning and Management Service
Members : Nelly S. Ibo – Chief, Procurement Division
Roy B. Villena – Asst. Chief, Accountable Forms Division
Gilbert T. Obispo – Management Division
Stralenmer P. Moran – Internal Investigation Division
Ellen P. Gutierrez – Large Taxpayers Audit Division I
Acceptance Committee
Bobby U. Labajo – Chief, General Services Division
Jose C. Afable – Chief, Network Management and
Technical Support Division
For deliveries pertaining to supplies and other items for stocks and distribution and
other Non-IT Resources, the Chief, General Services Division (GSD) shall be the
signatory for the “Acceptance” portion of the Inspection and Acceptance Report.
However, for contract deliverables pertaining to IT Resources, the signatory shall be
the Chief, GSD together with the Chief, Network Management and Technical Support