8box Solutions Inc.


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REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 15-2019 issued on April 4, 2019 amends Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 61-2016 on the establishment of standard Taxpayer Feedback System in compliance with Republic Act No. 11032 (Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018). The Revenue District Offices shall use the revised format of Customer Satisfaction Survey Form to measure the level of satisfaction of taxpayers on the services rendered by their office. The district office’s frontliners shall encourage taxpayers to accomplish the survey form, which shall be provided to taxpayers while being served, together with the queuing number slip. The Client Support Unit Head of each Revenue Region shall be authorized to conduct the monthly retrieval of survey forms every 5th day of the month. Survey forms located at certain offices at the National Office shall be retrieved by Taxpayer Service Programs and Monitoring Division (TSPMD). Submission of summary reports of the survey forms retrieved shall be done every 20th day of the following month to Client Support Service (CSS) thru TSPMD. Issues and concerns raised by taxpayers shall be included in the revised Matrix of Actions Taken to identify possible corrective/preventive actions thereto, to be submitted every 5th day following the month of retrieval. For those RDOs who still have old survey forms to be retrieved, processing of such shall be segregated from the revised survey forms. It shall be processed on a monthly basis until such time that the use of the new survey form is fully implemented. The CSS, through the TSPMD, shall conduct an unannounced retrieval of survey forms to ensure that the implementation of the feedback system is strictly being followed.