REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 13-2020 issued on May 26, 2020 amends
Revenue Memorandum Order No. 1-2019 relative to the guidelines and procedures
in the conduct of the Annual Search for the BIR’s Best Employee for Service
Excellence and Public Trust (BIR’s BEST).
The Executive Program on Rewards and Incentives for Service Excellence
(PRAISE) Committee shall select the overall winner in each category and indorse the
same to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) on or before July 1 of the
current year for approval.
The BIR’s BEST finalists shall receive monetary reward amounting to
₱5,000.00 each and Certificates of Recognition from the Executive PRAISE
Committee while the overall winners shall receive monetary reward amounting to
₱10,000.00 each and Plaques of Recognition.
The awarding ceremony shall take place during the annual BIR Anniversary