8box Solutions Inc.


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Email: sales@8box.solutions

REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 13-2017 issued on May 22, 2017 prescribes the guidelines and procedures in the preparation and submission of Accomplishment Reports in compliance with the FY 2017 Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) requirements per Administrative Order (AO) No. 25 Inter-Agency Task Force Memorandum Circular (IATF MC) No. 2017-1 dated March 9, 2017. The Planning and Management Service (PMS), through the Planning and Programming Division (PPD), shall prepare the Department/Agency Performance Accomplishment and Details of Bureau/Office Performance Indicators and Accomplishments using the Forms prescribed in AO 25 IATF MC No. 2017-1. The Report on Ranking of Offices/Delivery Units shall also be prepared by the PPD and Personnel Division. The said three reports shall be submitted to the AO 25 Secretariat, which shall then endorse the same to the oversight/validating agencies, for review/evaluation, on or before January 31, 2018. The annual accomplishment report relative to the following performance indicators shall be prepared and submitted by the office responsible to the PMS, through PPD: Performance Indicator Responsible Office Deadline for Submission Major Final Output (MFO) a. Collection Performance (Actual Collection over Assigned Goal) Collection Service – Revenue Accounting Division On or before March 12, 2018 b. Collection Growth (Collection this Year less Collection last Year over Collection last Year) Support to Operations (STO) a. QMS Certification (for at least one core process certified by any international certifying body accredited by the International Accreditation Forum members) or ISO-aligned documentation of its QMS for one core process Client Support Service On or before January 8, 2018 General Administration and Support Services (GASS) a. Budget Utilization Rate (BUR) a.1 Obligation BUR a.2 Disbursements BUR Finance Service – Budget Division and Accounting Division On or before January 8, 2018 b. Quarterly Submission of Budget and Financial Accountability Reports (BFARs) to COA and DBM Finance Service – Budget Division Planning and Management Service – Planning and Programming Division On or before January 8, 2018 c. Full Compliance with at least 30% of the prior year’s COA audit recommendations Finance Service – Accounting Division On or before January 8, 2018 The reports relative to the Performance Indicators under GASS, which are required to be submitted by the offices responsible to the Validating Agency, and their prescribed deadlines for submission are also specified in the Order. To attain 100% compliance on Good Governance Conditions (GGCs) set by the IATF, the Responsible Offices shall prepare and post the GGCs specified in the Order for validation of the Validating Agency.