REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 10-2023 issued on March 21, 2023
prescribes the supplemental guidelines on the application for Electronic
Authority to Release Imported Goods (eATRIG) by importers of Sweetened
Beverages through the Philippine National Single Window (NSW)
( in relation to Revenue Memorandum Order No. 14-
All applications for eATRIG shall be filed through the NSW and
details/information pertaining to such applications shall be lodged using the
Other Special Law or International Agreement (OSLA) field. The supporting
documents for the e-ATRIG application are as follows:
a. Duly Notarized Application via PNSW;
b. Bill of Lading;
c. Commercial Invoice;
d. Packing List;
e. Import Entry and Internal Revenue Declaration/Single Administrative
f. Commercial Label; and
g. FDA Certification on Codex Classification (for exempted products)
These documentary requirements shall be submitted to the Excise Large
Taxpayers Regulatory Division, Rm. 102, BIR National Office Bldg., BIR Road,
Quezon City, for evaluation, processing and issuance of an electronic copy of
the ATRIG and automatic transmission thereof to the Bureau of Customs. The
eATRIG, once approved, can be accessed through the system by authorized
users and importers.