8box Solutions Inc.


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REVENUE MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 1-2010 issued on January 4, 2010 prescribes the policies and guidelines for the conduct of conferences and meetings, including Management Committee (Mancom) Meetings, Command Conferences, Regional Director’s Conferences, Assistant Chief Conferences, Functional Chief Meetings, Staff Meetings, and Annual Work Planning and Key Performance Indicator Setting Conference. The following are the categories of meetings and conferences with an indication on who is responsible for calling and presiding these meetings: a. Management Committee (Mancom) Meeting – Meeting (at least once a week) consisting of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and all Deputy Commissioners. This meeting is presided by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. b. Command Conference – Meeting (at least 6 times a year) of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Deputy Commissioners, Assistant Commissioners, Regional Directors and Revenue District Officers. This meeting is presided by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. c. Director’s Conference – Meeting (at least 6 times a year) of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, selected Deputy Commissioners, and Regional Directors. This meeting is presided by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. d. Assistant Chief’s Conference – Meeting (at least twice a year) of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Deputy Commissioners, selected Assistant Commissioners, Assistant Regional Directors and Assistant Revenue District Officers. This meeting is presided by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. e. Functional Chief’s Conference – Meeting (at least twice a year) of the concerned Assistant Commissioners with his/her Revenue Region (RR) office counterpart. Specifically, this includes the meeting to be presided by the Assistant Commissioner (Assessment Service) with the RR Assessment Division Chiefs; the Assistant Commissioner (Collection Service) with the RR Collection Division Chiefs; the Assistant Commissioner (Legal Service) with the RR Legal Division Chiefs; the Assistant Commissioner (Enforcement Service) with the RR Administrative Division and Finance Division Chiefs; the ACIR (FAS) with the RR Assessment Division Chiefs; the Assistant Commissioner (Taxpayers Assistance Service) with the RR Tax Assistance Officers; and the Assistant Commissioner (Human Resource Development Service) with the RR Human Resource Management Unit Chief. f. Staff Meeting – Meeting (at least once a month) of Head of Office with selected members of their staff. Specifically, this includes the meeting to be presided by the Commissioner with the Assistant Commissioners reporting to the Office of the Commissioner; the Deputy Commissioner with the Assistant Commissioners in the particular group; the Assistant Commissioner with the Division Chiefs; the Regional Directors with the Revenue District Officers and RR Division Chiefs; the National Office Division Chiefs with the Section Chiefs; and, the Revenue District Officer with the Section Chiefs. g. Annual Work Planning and Key Performance Indicator Setting Conference – Meeting to be presided by the Commissioner with the National Office Heads of Offices and with the Regional Directors and Revenue District Officers. The presiding officer of all meetings shall schedule in advance the meetings for the year. In relation to this, all presiding officers, except the National Office Division Chiefs and Revenue District Officers, shall submit the list to the Chief of the Management Division (MD) not later than the first working day of the year. The Chief of the MD shall coordinate with the presiding officers to ensure that the meetings and conferences will not conflict or coincide with each other. The Chief of the MD shall circularize the schedule of all meetings and conferences not later than January 15th of each year. In order that the Mancom may be able to address immediately the issues raised in the Staff Meetings called by the Regional Directors, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the Deputy Commissioners shall endeavour to attend the Regional Staff Meetings. The Chief of the MD shall coordinate with all concerned officials to ensure that there will be a member of the Mancom attending the Regional Directors’ staff meeting. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue or his representative shall attend the Deputy Commissioner’s Staff Meeting, the Assistant Commissioner’s Staff Meeting and the Functional Chief’s Conference. The Chief of the MD shall coordinate with the concerned officials to ensure this attendance. The following must be done for each meeting or conference: a. A program or agenda must be sent to all participants at least a week before the meeting or conference; b. Meetings shall start on time in line with the “On Time: BIR Time” policy; c. Minutes of meeting shall be taken; d. The minutes shall include a notation on who attended and who did not attend the meeting; e. The meeting shall dwell on activities or actions that must be done to address concerns and issues affecting the particular office; f. The person responsible and the deadline established for the activities or actions above shall be indicated in the minutes of meeting; and g. Matters arising from the previous meetings shall be taken up and resolved. The minutes of the Staff Meeting and the Functional Staff Meeting shall be distributed to all participants not later than the following day after the meeting. The duly approved minutes of meeting of the Functional Staff Meeting and the Staff Meeting shall be submitted to the Chief of the MD not later than three days after the meeting. The Chief of the MD shall scrutinize the minutes and send a summary of the matters requiring attention to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and other officials not later than one week from the receipt of the minutes of meeting. The Assistant Commissioner (ACIR), Planning and Policy Service (PPS) shall be primarily responsible for the administrative requirements of the Command Conference, Director’s Conference, Assistant Chief’s Conference and Annual Work Planning and Key Performance Indicator Setting Conference. The preparatory tasks that must be done for each of the said conferences are specified in the Order. The MD shall conduct performance audit of selected BIR offices to monitor and evaluate their compliance with the provisions of the Order. The results of the performance audit and compliance of BIR offices to the provisions of the Order shall form part of the Key Performance Indicator in the Performance Evaluation System of BIR officials for 2010.