REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 8-2023 issued on January 20, 2023 revises the provision on the submission of Inventory List and other reporting requirements pursuant to Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 57-2015. Section 2 is amended as follows:
“AII taxpayers with tangible asset-rich balance sheets, often with at least half
of their total assets in working capital assets, e.g., accounts receivable and
inventory, shall submit, in addition to the annual inventory list, schedules/lists
prescribed herein, in soft copies, using the format shown in Annex “A” (for
manufacturing/merchandising or retail company); Annexes “B” and “B-1” (for
real estate company) and Annex “C” (for construction industry)” (…)
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The soft copies of the inventory list including other applicable schedules
shall be stored/saved in Digital Versatile Disk-Recordable (DVD-R) or
Universal Storage Bus (USB) Flash drive properly labelled and submitted,
together with a notarized certification, as shown in Annex “D” hereof, duly
signed by the authorized representative of the taxpayer certifying that the
data/information contained in the DVD-R or USB are true and correct.
xxx xxx xxx”