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8box Solutions Inc.


Contact Number: 09369340340

REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 8-2020 issued on February 5, 2020 notifies the loss of several triplicate copies of used/issued BIR Form No. 0402 — Authority to Cancel Assessment with the following Serial Numbers:

Serial Number Quantity
ACA200900026029 - ACA200900026043 15 triplicate copies
ACA200900026136 - ACA200900026138 3 triplicate copies
ACA200900026140 - AC A200900026168 29 triplicate copies
ACA200900026594 - AC A200900026596 3 triplicate copies
ACA200900026599 - AC A200900026611 13 triplicate copies
ACA200900026624 - ACA200900026650 27 triplicate copies
ACA200900026652 - ACA200900026672 21 triplicate copies
ACA200900026674 - ACA200900026680 7 triplicate conies

The abovementioned forms were reported as lost by Revenue Officer Bethuel Ann Q. Guran of Collection Performance Monitoring Division. All official transactions involving the use of said forms should be verified if found.