REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 8-2019 issued on January 18, 2019 notifies the loss of the following BIR Accountable Forms:
Accountable Form Documentary Stamps (₱15.00 denomination)
Serial Number DSJ201605691801 –DSJ201605700000
Quantity 8,200 pieces (unused/unissued)
Accountable Form BIR Form No. 0535 (Taxpayer Information Sheet)
Serial Number TIS201400259151 – TIS201400259200
Quantity 1 pad (unused)
Accountable Form BIR Form No. 0535 (Taxpayer Information Sheet)
Serial Number TIS201400259001 – TIS201400259050
Quantity 1 pad (unused)
Accountable Form BIR Form No. 2313-R (Electronic Certificate Authorizing
Registration for Transaction Involving Transfer of Real Properties)
Serial Number eCR201500397301 –eCR201500397350
Quantity 1 pad (unused)
Accountable Form BIR Form No. 2313-P (Electronic Certificate Authorizing
Registration for Transaction Involving Transfer of Real Properties)
Serial Number eCR201300081602 – eCP201300081650
Quantity 49 sets (unused)
The abovementioned forms, which were reported as lost during the Marawi siege in
Marawi City by Revenue District Officer Nasrollah B. Conding of Revenue District No. 102, have been cancelled and all official transactions involving the use thereof are considered as invalid.