REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 76-2019 issued on July 31, 2019 circularizes the availability of the new BIR Form No. 0620 (Monthly Remittance of Taxes Withheld on the Amount Withdrawn from the Decedent’s Deposit Account) and BIR Form No. 1621 (Quarterly Remittance of Taxes Withheld on the Amount Withdrawn from the Decedent’s Deposit Account). Said Forms can be downloaded by banks from the BIR FormsPayment/Remittance Forms section of the BIR website (www.bir.gov.ph).
The abovementioned Forms are not yet available in pre-printed form as well as in the Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS) and Electronic Bureau of Internal Revenue Forms (eBIRForms).
Banks that are availing the Philippine Payment Settlement System (PhilpaSS) are advised to manually file the said forms and remit the corresponding tax until the issuance of a written notice on their availability in the eFPS.