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REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 71-2020 issued on July 17, 2020 circularizes the Anti-Red Tape Authority’s Advisory No. 01 Series of 2020 for the adoption of fast-track measures in all government agencies during the COVID-19 state of calamity.

For purposes of simplifying and streamlining their respective procedures and documentary requirements to speed up the delivery of government services, all government agencies may be guided by the following measures:
a. Emergency Extensions. This pertains to extension of the validity of permits, licenses, certifications and other similar authorizations that are expiring within the period of State of National Emergency, particularly licenses whose application for renewal or
extension may not be filed, processed, or are pending approval due to the Enhanced Community Quarantine.
b. Electronic Submissions and Approvals. Agencies previously operating through manual procedures may consider accepting applications or reports through email and other online platforms, including submissions of digital copies of supporting documents. Approvals may likewise be issued via email or other online platforms, provided adequate security measures are in place. Further, it is suggested that these transactions be subjected to post-audits when able.
c. Suspension of Notarization Requirement for Documents to be Submitted, Unless Required by Law. Agencies may consider accepting signed and unnotarized copies of documents, which are converted into public documents once accepted and stored in public records since submission of a falsified document, whether notarized or not, is already punishable by the Revised Penal Code.
d. Reduction of Signatories and Requirements. In accepting applications, renewals or requests, government agencies may process incomplete applications, subject to completion after a designated period or when conditions normalize. Electronic signatures or pre-signed license, clearance, permit, certification or authorization with adequate security and control mechanism may be used. In case the authorized signatory is on official business or official leave, an alternate shall be designated as signatory.
e. Whole-of-Government Approach. Government agencies shall take an integrated approach to public service delivery, characterized by seamless government transactions, integrated policy design and implementation across several agencies, inter-operability of government processes, horizontal coordination, and strengthened linkages among government units.
f. Payments of Processing Fees. Government agencies, whenever practicable, may employ an online payment scheme or outsourced payment collection centers for the transacting public for payment of prescribed processing fees. If payment online is not possible, they may consider waiver or deferment of payments.
g. Submission of Regulations to University of the Philippines – Office of National Administrative Register (UP-ONAR). To give legal effect to regulations, it is requested that government agencies electronically forward copies of their regulations/issuances, including those which were previously issued, to the UP-ONAR at