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REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 64-2023 issued on May 31, 2023 prescribes the guidelines for the conduct of the Search for the Philippines’ Brightest Buwis Masters (PBBM) of 2023.
            The Search is open to all college students nationwide. To join the Tax Quiz, interested college students should register and be endorsed by their respective college/university. Copy of the Endorsement Form shall be submitted to the nearest BIR Revenue District Office (RDO), together with certified true copy of the school ID and latest school Registration Form of the student on or before June 9, 2023.
                The conduct of the Tax Quiz shall be done in two (2) levels – Regional Level and National Level (Championship Round). The Regional Level shall be conducted by the Regional Offices, together with their respective Revenue District Offices (RDOs), while the National Level (Championship Round) shall be conducted by the Client Support Service, in coordination with other offices in the BIR National Office.
                  The Regional Level of the Tax Quiz (Regional Tax Quiz) shall be conducted by each Regional Office within the period June 19 to 30, 2023 at a place/venue to be designated by the Regional Office. The RDOs shall communicate to the head/administrator of participating schools/universities the date/time and venue of the Regional Tax Quiz, and require the endorsed students/participants to be present at the venue at least one (1) hour before the conduct of the Tax Quiz.
                 Depending on the number of students who enlisted to join the Tax Quiz, the Regional
Office may conduct the Regional Tax Quiz in two (2) rounds – Elimination Round and Final Round following the Contest Mechanics. In case there will be an Elimination Round, only the Top 12 contestants shall proceed to the Final Round. 
                  The questions for the Tax Quiz at the Regional Level and National Level shall be prepared by a Committee comprised of tax experts from the Regional/District Office and National Office, respectively, and from the private sector. Said Committee shall decide on the validity of answers given during the conduct of Tax Quiz, when necessary, and their decisions shall be considered as final and irrevocable.
                    The questions for the Tax Quiz shall cover the BIR registration requirements and the
provisions relative to Income Tax, Value-Added Tax and Percentage Tax. There shall be three (3) categories of questions, both for the Regional and National Levels – Easy, Average and Difficult. Each correct answer shall be given Points, as specified in the Contest Mechanics. The twenty-two (22) Regional Champions shall compete at the National Tax Quiz (Championship Round) to be held on July 28, 2023 at the BIR National Training Center, BIR Main Office Compound, Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City. The National Tax Quiz (Championship Round) shall have an Elimination Round and a Final Round following the Contest Mechanics.
The Top 3 Grand Winners of the BIR National Tax Quiz (Grand Champion, 1st
                  Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up) shall be declared as the Philippines’ Brightest Buwis Masters of 2023. They shall receive Plaques of Recognition while their respective college/university shall receive a trophy.
                  The roles and responsibilities of the Revenue District Offices, Regional Offices and Client Support Service, thru its Divisions, are specified in the Circular.