REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 53-2019 issued on May 7, 2019 notifies the loss of the following unused/unissued BIR Accountable Forms:
Accountable Form Documentary Stamps (₱15.00 denomination)
Serial Number DSJ201605691501 – DSJ201605691800
Quantity 300 pieces
Accountable Form BIR Form No. 2524 (Revenue Official Receipt)
Serial Number ROR201301821511 – ROR201301821550
Quantity 40 sets
Accountable Form BIR Form No. 2524 (Revenue Official Receipt)
Serial Number ROR201301821460 – ROR201301821500
Quantity 41 sets
The abovementioned forms, which were reported as lost during the Marawi siege in Marawi City by Ms. Norhata M. Ibrahim of Revenue District No. 102, have been cancelled and all official transactions involving the use thereof are considered as invalid.