REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 14 2021 issued on January 27, 2021 clarifies the effectivity date of Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 47 2020 which imposed new documentary requirements for the processing of VAT Refund Claims pursuant to Section 112 of the Tax Code of 1997, as amended. The effectivity of RMO No. 47-2020 shall commence on January 19, 2021, which is the 15th day from its filing in the UP Law Center.
Taxpayers and revenue officials affected by the said RMO shall observe the following in the filing and processing of VAT refund claims:
a. VAT refund claims filed prior to January 19, 2021 shall be filed and processed following the guidelines and procedures set forth in Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 47-2019 and RMO No. 25-2019; and
b. VAT refund claims filed on or after January 19, 2021 (the effectivity date of RMO No. 47-2020) shall be filed and processed in accordance with the guidelines and procedures indicated thereto.