REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 123-2019 issued on November 22, 2019prescribes the CY 2020 BIR Priority Programs, to wit:
Run After Tax Evaders (RATE) Program;
Oplan Kandado;
Broadening of the Tax Base;
Intensified Audit and Investigations;
Enhanced Implementation of the Arrears Management Program in the Regional Offices;
Development of Online Registration and Update System (ORUS);
Tax Education Campaign/Public Awareness Program/Consultation/Information Dissemination;
Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service;
e-Invoicing/ e-Receipting and eSales Reporting;
Fuel Marking and Field Testing Program;
Automation of Withholding Tax BIR Form 2307 and Issuance of Withholding Tax Certificates;
Digital Transformation (DX);
Integrity Management Program;
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Solutions for Improved Taxpayers Services-Availment of Commercial Data Center;
Optimization/Implementation of Internal Revenue Integrated System (IRIS);
Lease of Contact Center Solution;
Subscription of ICT Software (Chatbot);
Construction of BIR National Office Building;
Effective recruitment, capacity development, career advancement, succession planning and retention strategies; and
Budget Utilization Program.