REVENUE ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 3-2014 issued on November 5, 2014,
defines the organization and functions of the Regional Offices, its Divisions and Sections
and Revenue District Offices (RDOs) pursuant to the Rationalization Plan under
Executive Order No. 366.
The Regional Office shall be under the direct supervision of the Deputy
Commissioner for Operations Group. It shall be headed by a Regional Director and shall
be composed of the following Divisions and RDOs with their respective Sections:
A. Office of the Regional Director and Assistant Regional Director
(including Client Support Unit)
B. Assessment Division
i. Assessment Programs and Performance Audit Section
ii. Review and Evaluation Section
iii. Tax Billing Section
iv. Office Audit Section
C. Collection Division
i. Collection Programs and Performance Audit Section
ii. Receivable Accounts and Collection Enforcement Section
iii. Withholding Agents Monitoring Section
D. Legal Division
i. Law & Appellate Section
ii. Litigation and Prosecution Section
iii. Personnel Adjudication Section
E. Finance Division
i. Revenue Accounting Section
i. Disbursement Accounting Section
ii. Budget Section
F. Administrative and Human Resource Management Division
i. General Services Section
ii. Procurement, Property and Accountable Forms Section
iii. Records Section
iv. Human Resource Management Section
G. Regional Investigation Division
i. Intelligence Operations Section
ii. Tax Fraud Investigation Section
H. Document Processing Division
i. Document Control Section
ii. Data Capture Section
iii. Suspense Resolution Management Section
iv. Administrative Section
I. Revenue District Office
i. Assessment Section
ii. Collection Section
iii. Client Support Section
iv. Compliance Section
v. Administrative Section