REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 81-2019 issued on August 14, 2019 announces the availability of the new payment facility utilizing the PESONet payment system under the National Retail Payment System policy framework of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, for the payment of internal revenue taxes.
Said facility will enable taxpayers with an account in any of the Bangko Sentralregulated Financial Institutions (BSFIs) participating in the PESONet payment system to pay their taxes online through the Land Bank of the Philippines’ (LPB) Portal.
The new payment system facility will be initially available to depositors of Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) and soon to depositors of other PESONet
participating BSFIs.
Taxpayers filing their tax returns using the eBIRForms and taxpayers mandated to use the Electronic Filing and Payment System can use the aforesaid online payment facility.
For more information and instructions on how to use the online payment facility, taxpayers can directly inquire with the LBP, or visit or the BIR website